Rafael Marrero

& Company

“The Premier B2G and B2B Contractor Marketing Agency!”®


Showcase the value of your products and services to the world’s richest customers. Leverage our firm’s 35 years of experience in the business-to-government (B2G) and business-to-business (B2B) sectors to penetrate these multi-trillion-dollar markets!

  • Market to the state, local and federal governments
  • Market to prime/general contractors
  • Market to the large private sector (Fortune 1000)


“Every Battle Is Won Before It Is Ever Fought”  (Sun Tzu)

Capability Statements

Contractors Business Cards

Capabilities Briefings

Capabilities Websites & Landing Pages

Publishing Services

Capabilities Video

Welcome to Rafael Marrero & Company
Your Trusted B2G and B2B Marketing Partner

At Rafael Marrero & Company, we specialize in empowering businesses with the knowledge, positioning strategies, and creative services they need to succeed in both the public (B2G) and private (B2B) sectors. With a proven track record, we offer specialized consulting, marketing, and training solutions designed to meet the unique demands of government and corporate contracting at the local, state, and federal levels.

Why Choose Rafael Marrero & Company

As a leading authority in the B2G and B2B arenas, we bring over three decades of niche branding and marketing expertise. Our mission is to position your business for success by helping you secure government contracts and excel in competitive Fortune 1000 institutional supply chains. We are proud to be recognized as one of America’s fastest-growing privately-owned companies, top government services providers, and Inc. 500 Honorees.

Our Comprehensive B2G+B2B Capabilities®

Creative Services:

  • Contractor Branding: Establish a compelling brand identity that resonates with both public and private sector clients.
  • Contractor Website Design: Create user-friendly websites optimized for B2G and B2B markets.
  • Contractor Business Card: Design professional business cards that make a memorable impact.
  • Graphic Design: Enhance your visual presence with stunning graphic design.

Public Relations:

  • Media & Public Relations: Build strong relationships with the media and establish your authority.
  • Publishing Services: Share your insights and establish your subject matter expertise and thought leadership through publications and articles.


  • Content Creation: Generate informative and engaging content that highlights your expertise.
  • Video & Podcast Production: Leverage multimedia to reach a broader audience.
  • Direct Mail Marketing: Create and implement targeted direct mail campaigns to reach potential clients through physical mail.


  • Contractor Marketing: Craft tailored marketing strategies to effectively promote your products and services.
  • Capability Statement: Create powerful capability statements that leave a lasting impression on decision-makers.
  • Capabilities Briefing: Develop concise briefings to showcase your strengths and offerings.
  • Social Media: Connect with your audience across English, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese platforms.
  • Capabilities Video: Engage your audience with visually compelling capabilities videos.

At Rafael Marrero & Company, we specialize in empowering businesses with the knowledge, positioning strategies, and creative services they need to succeed in both the public (B2G) and private (B2B) sectors. With a proven track record, we offer specialized consulting, marketing, and training solutions designed to meet the unique demands of government and corporate contracting at the local, state, and federal levels.

Why Choose Rafael Marrero & Company

As a leading authority in the B2G and B2B arenas, we bring over three decades of niche branding and marketing expertise. Our mission is to position your business for success by helping you secure government contracts and excel in competitive Fortune 1000 institutional supply chains. We are proud to be recognized as one of America’s fastest-growing privately-owned companies, top government services providers, and Inc. 500 Honorees.

Our Comprehensive B2G+B2B Capabilities®

Creative Services:

  • Contractor Branding: Establish a compelling brand identity that resonates with both public and private sector clients.
  • Contractor Website Design: Create user-friendly websites optimized for B2G and B2B markets.
  • Contractor Business Card: Design professional business cards that make a memorable impact.
  • Graphic Design: Enhance your visual presence with stunning graphic design.

Public Relations:

  • Media & Public Relations: Build strong relationships with the media and establish your authority.
  • Publishing Services: Share your insights and establish your subject matter expertise and thought leadership through publications and articles.


  • Content Creation: Generate informative and engaging content that highlights your expertise.
  • Video & Podcast Production: Leverage multimedia to reach a broader audience.
  • Direct Mail Marketing: Create and implement targeted direct mail campaigns to reach potential clients through physical mail.


  • Contractor Marketing: Craft tailored marketing strategies to effectively promote your products and services.
  • Capability Statement: Create powerful capability statements that leave a lasting impression on decision-makers.
  • Capabilities Briefing: Develop concise briefings to showcase your strengths and offerings.
  • Social Media: Connect with your audience across English, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese platforms.
  • Capabilities Video: Engage your audience with visually compelling capabilities videos.

Rafael Marrero GovCon News

Dr. Rafael Marrero

Innovations in Government Contracting: Emerging Trends and Technologies

Welcome to the forefront of government contracting, where innovation meets opportunity. In this article, Dr. Rafael Marrero explores the cutting-edge trends and technologies shaping the future of B2G (business-to-government) marketing. For B2G contractors seeking to stay ahead of the curve, understanding these emerging strategies is essential.  The Shift Towards Digitalization  In recent years, the landscape of government contracting has undergone

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Dr. Rafael Marrero

Digital Marketing Trends for Government Agencies

In the ever-evolving landscape of government contracting, staying ahead of digital marketing trends is crucial for B2G (Business to Government) contractors to engage with government agencies effectively. Dr. Rafael Marrero, a globally recognized B2G marketing expert, sheds light on the top digital strategies reshaping the industry.  Understanding the Government Market  Government agencies operate within unique regulatory frameworks and procurement processes.

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Dr. Rafael Marrero

Leveraging Technology to Streamline Government Contracting Processes

In the world of government contracting, efficiency is critical. Dr. Rafael Marrero, a leading expert in B2G marketing and public procurement, unveils innovative strategies for leveraging technology to streamline government contracting processes. If you’re a B2G contractor looking to boost productivity and win more contracts, you can just read on.   Government contracting can be a labyrinth of paperwork, compliance regulations,

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